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Consultant in Hydrology and Water Resources, Kenya citizen, Visiting Research Fellow, King's College London

Sean has over 40 years overseas professional consultancy experience, and until 2007 was responsible for all GIBB Africa hydrological, hydrogeological and environmental studies, water supply, irrigation, drainage, sewerage, sanitation projects in East and Central Africa. This included the management of many multi-disciplinary water, sewerage, and irrigation projects.

Sean is a regional specialist in water resources and hydrology applied to the tropical climates of Africa and the Middle East. He has undertaken numerous flood and drainage studies throughout the continent and has extensive experience in environmental impact assessments.

Responsibilities as “Engineer” have included the preparation of tender documents & construction supervision of water, wastewater and irrigation engineering projects in Africa. He is a Member of Water Resource Associates, a network of experts in water resources, hydrology, hydrogeology, water quality, GIS, hydro-ecology, and climate change.


East African hydrology
Rift Valley soda lakes
Land use and sediment runoff
Major dams and downstream hydrology
Rainfall and spring discharges
Water quality


  • –present
    Chartered Consultant in Hydrology and Water Resources, Associate of the Department of Geography, University of Leicester